The aims and objectives of the college are to provide course of Teachers training. The duration of the B.Ed Course is two academic year (NCTE regulations) consisting of four semesters. The academic year shall commence from July of every year. Each semester includes regular classes, assignments, practice teaching and examinations.
Our teachers try their level best to provide the proper guidance to all the trainees for teaching the school students of different classes. They develop different teaching materials and methods and help the trainee teachers to develop themselves. DHTTC as a college is trying to adopt itself to the new way of thinking. All here at the college are earnestly trying to set a pedagogical goal that is less lecturing and instructional and more learners facilitating. With this aim in mind the college will be successfully run.
As A Principal of the college I can assure you that to achieve the above objectives this DHTTC institute proposes to arrange not only for elaborate lecture but to provide intensive tutorial classes, seminars, symposia, debate and discussion. Necessary arrangement for practice teaching is made to provide opportunity to have training in teaching, in addition to the above; other co-curricular activities are the regular features of this collage.
Our mission is to create a bright future of the Nation with delivering future ready teachers to the society. DHTTC always works on affordable solution to deserve candidates.
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